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Misinformation circulating in The Philippine community

A work to residence option, where employment at a salary of $79,560 from an Immigration New Zealand (INZ) Accredited Employer leads to the grant of residence after two years, is being promoted to motivate employees in the construction industry to change employers.

Travel is different this year for UK citizens travelling to the EU

UK citizens traveling to Europe for their summer holidays, vaccination program permitting, need to prepare differently given post Brexit changes.

Gate opens in the dairy industry for migrant workers

Residence is a step closer for migrant workers employed in the dairy industry.

What’s new for the Northern Hemisphere since Brexit?

Understanding the Common Travel Area ( CTA ) for British and Irish citizens post Brexit.   […]

Update from Heartland Immigration as 2020 ends

2020 will be remembered as a disrupter. Employers and employees have had to rapidly adjust, our community activities have altered and there has been great uncertainty for visa holders, employers, educationists and international travellers.

Employers are you aware of the blunt tool now used to determine visas?

The medium wage rate now determines if an employer assisted work visa is granted for longer […]