New Zealand Residence Options
Straight to Residence Visa – for 55 olds and younger applicants who hold a job offer and are suitably qualified for a role on the Green List Tier 1. More info.
Last day to submit an expression of interest (EOI) under the two tier SMC of residence.
Care Workforce Work to Residence Visa – a two-year pathway to residence for 55-year-olds and younger who have worked for 24 months in a sector-approved care workforce role that pays at least the level 4 support workers’ minimum wage.
Transport Sector Work to Residence Visa – for those who have worked for 24 months in a sector-approved transport role that pays at least $28 per hour.
Work to Residence Visa – a two-year pathway to residence for 55 olds and younger applicants who hold a job offer and are suitably qualified for a role on the Green List Tier 2.
The new Skilled Migrant Category Residence Visa opens. 55-year-olds and younger must gain 6 points under the new criteria.
A new procedure with new rules will apply that is different from the two-tier system of SMC.
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