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May 2018

Temperatures are starting to cool as we advance into the autumn months in New Zealand, or fall as our friends in the US call the time between summer and winter, and the trees are now displaying a spectacularly colourful combination of gold,orange and yellows.

Current media reports on immigration highlight labour shortages in addition to skills shortages around New Zealand. However we also have had reports of race, gender and age being used by Immigration New Zealand as a tool to target the serving of deportation orders along with the much disturbing case of Mark Middleton. The long term British national who tragically lost a stepdaughter and who failed to complete the necessary documentation prior to an overseas holiday and was therefore deemed to be in New Zealand unlawful and issued with a deportation order. Sadly our own Windrush scandal.

Immigration New Zealand must manage prudently their resources and individuals are accountable for their actions however it is essential that good solid judgment skills are also used when applying immigration rules. The measure of a civilised society is how it treats the disempowered.

May 2018 sees the end of the South Island Contribution Work Visa applications and many hard working South Islanders, partners and children now hold work visas which will lead to residence in two years time. Relief for their employers as it stabilizes their businesses and delight from South Islanders struggling to maintain communities in less populated areas

Mary Noonan


Used by Immigration New Zealand to remove people from New Zealand who are required to hold a valid visas but don’t have one, in other words, overstayers: AND visitors, student, work and resident visa holders (residents generally within the first two years of being granted residence) who break the law for example working without specific permission, commit a crime in New Zealand or who have a previously undeclared criminal history. If you are unsure of your status phone me on 021 793 207.

Primarily I work in the facilitation of visas which I enjoy as it adds immediate value to New Zealand and the individual. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge and residing in Timaru are often called upon to speak at local meetings and seminars.

I am seen below here talking with Ashburton Mayor Donna Favel following a successful workshop arranged by Aoraki Multicultural Council and held at the RSA in Ashburton.

Nils Macfarlane