Disruptive immigration changes for New Zealand
Finally, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) have announced a timeframe and a high level overview of the disruptive changes to employer supported work visa applications.
Promoted as easier and employer lead, the devil will be in the detail and the ability of INZ to deliver quality decisions in a timely manner for this is a three-stage process.

What is new on 1 November 2021?
– Employers of Employer Assisted Work Visa holders will need to be accredited under the new Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) system when new employees apply for a first-time work visa or existing employees apply for another work visa.
– Accreditation criteria will differ: Standard employers with up to five migrant workers, High for those employing over five migrant workers, and a further category, Franchise and triangular employment arrangements.
– The AEWV system involves three separate applications, each with a unique criteria, referred to as the employer check, job check and migrant worker check.
What ceases on 30 June 2021
– Accredited Employer (Talent – Accredited Employer)
– Labour Hire Accreditation (Essential Skills)
– Approval in Principle (Essential Skills)
What ceases on 31 October 2021– Essential Skills Work Visa applications
– Approved in Principle Work Visa applications
– Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa applications
– Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa
– Silver Fern Practical Experience Visa applications
What does this mean for you as a migrant worker in New Zealand?
New visa rules apply to you when you apply for your next visa after 1 November 2021. After that time, your employer will need to have AEWV accreditation (employer check) and have gained approval to fill the role with a migrant worker (job check) before you apply for a work visa (migrant worker check).
What does this mean for you as an employer of migrant workers?
Employers of migrant workers will need to obtain AEWV accreditation (employer check) and obtain approval to fill roles with migrant workers (job check) when new employees apply for a first time work visa or existing employees apply for another work visa after 1 November 2021.
For more information as it comes to hand please register for news by filling in the form below.
Disclaimer: Mary Noonan is Heartland Immigration Ltd Managing Director her views expressed in this article are not intended to replace the professional service provided to individual migrants by a Licensed or Registered Immigration Adviser or Migration Agent.