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NZ Accredited Employer Work Visas extended to 5 years from November 2023 
For individualized immigration advice engage a Licensed Immigration Adviser.

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Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) – two tier system points system available until the middle of August 2023.

Straight to Residence Visa – for 55 olds and younger applicants who hold a job offer and are suitably qualified for a role on the Green List Tier 1. More info.



15 August 2023

Last day to submit an expression of interest (EOI) under the two tier SMC of residence.



 29 September 2023

Care Workforce Work to Residence Visa – a two-year pathway to residence for 55-year-olds and younger who have worked for 24 months in a sector-approved care workforce role that pays at least the level 4 support workers’ minimum wage.


Transport Sector Work to Residence Visa – for those who have worked for 24 months in a sector-approved transport role that pays at least $28 per hour.


Work to Residence Visa – a two-year pathway to residence for 55 olds and younger applicants who hold a job offer and are suitably qualified for a role on the Green List Tier 2.



9 October 2023

The new Skilled Migrant Category Residence Visa opens. 55-year-olds and younger must gain 6 points under the new criteria.

A new procedure with new rules will apply that is different from the two-tier system of SMC.

visa stamp

Key Takeaways

  • Applicants to have a job/offer with an NZ Accredited Employer; and,
  • Be suitably qualified; and,
  • Have an approved English language background or exam results; and,
  • Be of good health & character; and,
  • Follow the proper procedure at the correct time.

Do you need advice about this affects you? Contact Mary

New Zealand facilitates the temporary entry certain business people under the United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement

For full details view:
For individualized immigration advice engage a Licensed Immigration Adviser.

You can now apply online to transfer a visa or lodge a Parent Residence Visa expression of interest.


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For individualized immigration advice engage a Licensed Immigration Adviser.


The age limit for the Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program has increased to 35 years old. The increase in age will also be available for young Australian travellers going to the UK on the Youth Mobility Scheme.


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For individualized immigration advice engage a Licensed Immigration Adviser.

Partners of New Zealand work visa holders will soon only be able to work for an Accredited Employer and, unless specifically exempt, must be paid at the median pay rate. This change affects work visa applications lodged from 1st June 2023 when the category is based on their partner holding an Essential Skills or Accredited Employer work visa.

Before discussing what this rule change means, let’s first break down what “median wage” means compared to other wage terms.

Median Wage

Presently $29.66 and renewed annually, it is the middle point of the current pay rate range across all fields in New Zealand.

Average Wage

The average rate is calculated by adding the salaries for a select group of employees and dividing that sum by the number of employees in that group. It is at the middle of the pay rate, the market rate determined by supply and demand.

Minimum Wage

Minimum wage rates are set by the government and are reviewed annually. The legislated minimum wage in New Zealand is $22.70 per hour for adults aged 16 and over. This amount came into effect as of 1st April 2023.

It is worth noting that there are different minimum wage amounts for 16-19-year-olds “starting out” in the workforce and for apprentices doing approved industry training programmes. These do not apply to the general population.

partners of work visa holders picture showing immigration stamp

Immigration New Zealand Ahead of the Game 

For decades Immigration New Zealand (INZ), ahead of many other immigration services, recognised the various forms of partnership relationships, including same-sex and de facto relationships. This is an acceptance and recognition of diversity within marriage-like unions.

INZ has previously accepted the importance of the relationship between work visa holders and their partners, and of the contribution the temporary workforce makes to the economy and fostering a more diverse society, regardless of visa category.

Employers consider this category’s availability in the workforce as an added bonus to those they actively recruit offshore through the Accredited Employer category.

Until now, partners of work visa holders have been able to gain work visas and work for any employer at the going pay rate. Like their Essential Skills and Accredited Employer partners, they bring unique skills and experiences to the table. In particular, this has been invaluable to the healthcare industry and for part-time and casual roles providing additional flexibility for employers and filling surplus vacancies.

Accredited Employers

The need to be an Accredited Employer to employ work visa holders was introduced in July 2022. Accreditation ensures businesses wishing to hire work visa holders are viable (read bonafide), financially sound, tax-paying operations not in the commercial sex industry, with good employment practices. INZ have signalled they will monitor and enforce the Employer Accreditation obligations, thus providing a safety net for those vulnerable to migrant exploitation.

Implications Of The Wage Rate Rule Change

The wage rate rule change isn’t inclusive or good for our reputation; it’s reactive and reduces global competitiveness. The limitation of work opportunities for partners may influence whether the principal work visa holder chooses to come to New Zealand over other countries such as Australia, Canada, or the USA.

Limiting employment to an Accredited Employer is understandable, but insisting pay is at the median wage doesn’t support our society’s family-friendly stance, further reduces the active labour force and, ultimately, may make New Zealand a less desirable place for all.

Do you need advice about this rule change and how it affects you? Contact Mary