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Last month Immigration New Zealand (INZ) reached another milestone in that they dispensed with placing sticky labels in physical passports other than for certain categories of students. A world away from when I first began working with visas when we would use ink stamps and make hand written endorsements in passports or Certificates of Identities. The next generation is eVisa and Nils provides an outline in this Newsletter.

Recently published statistics show a decrease in the number of skilled migrants being approved for residence while the number of temporary work visas has risen. The former is a direct result of last year’s changes which saw a tightening of the definition of “skilled”, as now the careful matching of an applicant’s employment background, job offer, training and qualification to the descriptions in the Australian New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) is critical. Points allocated for those aged between 30 to 39 years increased as well as those with postgraduate qualifications. Skilled Migrant Category applicants however must now be paid at least $24.29 per hour and points are no longer able to be claimed for having a New Zealand family member, connections to identified future growth areas or for a qualification in areas of absolute skills shortage. The Skilled Migrant Category passmark remains at 160 but the criteria to obtain that is so much more difficult.

While an increase of 4,000 work visas recorded reflects lower unemployment levels, particularly in the regions, don’t be misled into thinking work visas are easily gained. INZ work visa Instructions also tighten establishing a three tier skill levels grouping, setting minimum wages and limiting the length of time permitted to work in New Zealand along with which work visa holders are able to support their partner and children’s visa applications.

With determination, a great deal of documentation, and often weeks of processing time, work visas are able to be obtained. The level of work visas issued does reiterate that skills and labour gaps exist in the marketplace, and along with training and the development of New Zealanders, the need for offshore recruitment remains.

In this Newsletter Jeremy outlines the two forms INZ employer accreditation status.

Mary Noonan

An electronic visa (eVisa), really a virtual visa, and the legal authority to remain in New Zealand or travel to New Zealand. Visa approvals in the main are now communicated by email or Immigration Online, or for those without internet facilities, by letter format. The purpose of this development is to eliminate the need for the passport to be couriered to INZ for a sticky label. Logistically this is easier and efficient as the visa is activated as soon as the Immigration Officer has approved the application given INZ’s computer system is instantaneously updated.

It is the environmentally friendly option, cheaper, quicker and has the same status as a label placed in the passport.

On request, and at a cost, a label can still be issued but I don’t generally recommend this as it is just not necessary however I do suggest you keep a copy of the approval with your passport.

Nils Macfarlane

INZ has a process to register and identify employers with good employment practices and a history of compliance in all areas of employment law. This process is a requirement for construction labour hire employers in Canterbury and beneficial for employers who employ migrant staff in any industry when they became Talent Accredited Employers.

Labour Hire Accreditation was introduced in the Canterbury post quake rebuild and was aimed at eliminating migrant exploitation and to create an even playing field for labour hire companies operating in that post quake environment.

Although Labour Hire Accreditation is currently only a requirement for labour hire companies employing construction migrant staff in Canterbury, other labour hire companies can apply. The recent cabinet paper prepared by the new Government has indicated they are very likely to extend the Labour Hire Accreditation requirements to labour hire companies beyond Canterbury.

Employers approved under INZ’s Talent Employer Accreditation have benefits that include a smoother pathway for their employees to gain work visas. Since last year’s changes to the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa, the Talent Employer Accreditation scheme has become more advantageous, as it allows employees to apply for residence after 24 months if eligible. Changes are anticipated to this category and I expect the minimum income level of $55,000 per annum to be raised in the near future. You will appreciate other conditions apply however this is a great option to qualifying employers and employees. Being a INZ Accredited employer is a competitive advantage allowing employers to attract the best possible talent by being identified as an employer of choice.

Jeremy Clapp

Immigration Minister Iain Lees Galloway is currently consulting and policy analysts are busy with proposed changes to work rights for overseas students and implementing Labour Market Testing that is fit for purpose.

It is a fine balance when reducing the attractiveness of New Zealand as a short term study destination when overall the sector reportedly generates more than $2 billion annually in foreign exchange earnings alone along with cultural and educational benefits. We have came a long way since the Colombo Plan students to the full fee paying private students operating in a market driven economy.

I have always found meeting ex students and learning of their achievements to be very rewarding. Previously overseas students, other than very short term English language students, studied academic courses, most graduated and where fully focused on securing good jobs and developing their careers whether it be in their home countries or in New Zealand.

The influx of shorter term students seeking a pathway to residence and education as a revenue source certainly has lead to student exploitation damaging New Zealand’s reputation and lowering the calibre of residence candidates.

Exploitation can’t be tolerated and I support the rebalancing of rules which will distinguish between genuine students and those using student visas simply to obtain entry to New Zealand. Nils has provided an overview of the proposed changes to student visas.

The recent announcement of a Kiwibuild Shortage List and the expansion of employer accreditation recognises that the Kiwibuild program is unable to be realised without the assistance of migrant workers to fill construction vacancies. Jeremy has summarised the proposal and I hope this announcement will encourage New Zealand construction sector employers to continue and expand their operations.

Mary Noonan


If the proposals include removing the requirement for a employer specific post graduation work visa along with changing the period granted. Three years for those graduating at degree level and above and one year for those graduating below degree level. The latter will need to have studied for in a course for at least two years in New Zealand.

Non specific employer work visas allow the holder to change employer and this proposal is aimed at reducing the opportunity for unscrupulous employers to take advantage of these students.

Rules changes for student’s partners being eligible for open work visas and for their children to be deemed domestic students, and therefore exempt from foreign fees school fees, is also proposed.

Nils Macfarlane


The Labour lead Government has acknowledged a shortfall of 30,000 construction workers nationwide and has signalled its intention to abolish their plan for the KiwiBuild Visa category, in favour of processes similar to that used post quake Canterbury.

This includes another skills shortage list, named the KiwiBuild Skills Shortages List, an expansion of employer accreditation for construction companies and additional accreditation requirements for labour hire companies being rolled out nationwide.

Simply put and the devil will be in the detail, occupations along with minimum levels of qualifications/work experience will be published and employers can obtain pre approval by becoming an Immigration New Zealand (INZ) accredited employer.

The proposal aims to reduce time frames for construction visas, ensure New Zealanders are given priority to be employed and upskilled, along with measures to reduce migrant exploitation.

Jeremy Clapp

The newly married, Her Royal Highness Princess Henry of Wales, won’t have much difficulty as special facilitation is provided to members of the British royal family. For most of us however, if we relocate to another country to be with our life partner, visa requirements are a major consideration.

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has just expanded their ONLINE service to allow group applications including partners and children which streamlines the application process and allows each family member’s visa application to be lodged together electronically. The mechanism has been simplified however the rules are more complicated since the introduction last year of minimum income levels, skill level constraints on the principal visa holder and recently an increase in scrutinising the partnership element of visa applications. In this newsletter, Licensed Immigration Adviser Nils Macfarlane, provides a summary for visa applications based on partnerships with a New Zealand citizen, residence or temporary visa holders.

Our intrepid traveller Licensed Immigration Adviser Jeremy Clapp has returned fresh from a European holiday and is sharing learnings this month from his involvement with the Burnside Rugby Club’s Mates Helping Mates seminar presented by Professor Annette Beautrais. Your awareness could be transformational and Heartland Immigration Ltd is pleased that Jeremy is using this forum to support suicide awareness. Together we will make a difference.

A third region of New Zealand has been declared, for a limited period, to have a critical labour shortage and therefore relaxed procedures for a limited period where put in place for visitors already in New Zealand to be able undertake horticulture work. With well established skill shortages throughout New Zealand and labour shortages in many regions I await developments from the Government on meeting the needs of New Zealand employers to fill their vacancies once the local labour market has been exhausted.

Mary Noonan


If your partner is a New Zealand citizen or resident you could be able to apply for residence based on that relationship. A legal marriage is not necessary nor is it limited to heterosexual couples however the relationship must be exclusive, the couple must have cohabited together for twelve months and they must be able to convince INZ that this is case.

When accompanying a worker or student to New Zealand the same rules apply to meet the definition of a partner however not all will be eligible solely as companions. Families coming as visitors are treated as individuals for assessment of eligibility and as a group for application purposes.

People who are not able to join their family member, if their application is based on the principle work visa, if that visa was issued under one of the following categories of INZ Instructions:

The lower skilled applicants are those earning less than $20.65 per hour or less than $36.44 if their skill level is at level 4 or 5 on the Australia New Zealand Standard Category of Occupation (ANZSCO). In simple terms anyone paid under $20.66 per hour and all those without degrees or trade qualifications unless they are paid $36.44 or more per hour.

Nil Macfarlane


Burnside Rugby Football Club recently hosted the Mates Helping Mates seminar presented by Professor Annette Beautrais, a renowned Suicidologist.

In New Zealand suicide is a larger cause of death than road accidents and workplace deaths combined. I was surprised to hear approximately 60% of New Zealand suicide deaths are males, aged between 20-65, not teenagers as many people believe with the construction, agriculture and forestry industries overrepresented in these statistics. Research suggests 1 in 20 people can have suicidal thoughts in any given week.

If you or anyone you know needs help or someone to talk to please free call or text 1737 within New Zealand to speak to a qualified person who can assist. I encourage employers and other community organisations to contact Professor Annette Beautrais for further information on seminars and training at [email protected]

Jeremy Clapp

Temperatures are starting to cool as we advance into the autumn months in New Zealand, or fall as our friends in the US call the time between summer and winter, and the trees are now displaying a spectacularly colourful combination of gold,orange and yellows.

Current media reports on immigration highlight labour shortages in addition to skills shortages around New Zealand. However we also have had reports of race, gender and age being used by Immigration New Zealand as a tool to target the serving of deportation orders along with the much disturbing case of Mark Middleton. The long term British national who tragically lost a stepdaughter and who failed to complete the necessary documentation prior to an overseas holiday and was therefore deemed to be in New Zealand unlawful and issued with a deportation order. Sadly our own Windrush scandal.

Immigration New Zealand must manage prudently their resources and individuals are accountable for their actions however it is essential that good solid judgment skills are also used when applying immigration rules. The measure of a civilised society is how it treats the disempowered.

May 2018 sees the end of the South Island Contribution Work Visa applications and many hard working South Islanders, partners and children now hold work visas which will lead to residence in two years time. Relief for their employers as it stabilizes their businesses and delight from South Islanders struggling to maintain communities in less populated areas

Mary Noonan


Used by Immigration New Zealand to remove people from New Zealand who are required to hold a valid visas but don’t have one, in other words, overstayers: AND visitors, student, work and resident visa holders (residents generally within the first two years of being granted residence) who break the law for example working without specific permission, commit a crime in New Zealand or who have a previously undeclared criminal history. If you are unsure of your status phone me on 021 793 207.

Primarily I work in the facilitation of visas which I enjoy as it adds immediate value to New Zealand and the individual. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge and residing in Timaru are often called upon to speak at local meetings and seminars.

I am seen below here talking with Ashburton Mayor Donna Favel following a successful workshop arranged by Aoraki Multicultural Council and held at the RSA in Ashburton.

Nils Macfarlane

The first of April 2018 brings an increase of 75 cents to the New Zealand minimum hourly wage. For employees over 16 years old, the new rate is $16.50 per hour or $660 for a 40 hour week. This is a right regardless of the employee’s or employer’s immigration status.

I recently blogged to encourage migrant workers to join a union. The media continually alert us to cases of migrant exploitation. Multi government agencies are involved and they frequently discover that not only do many exploited migrants not have the correct visas; they often don’t have employment agreements, conditions are below legislative standards and no consideration has been given to health and safety let alone well being. Thankfully these employers are in the minority.

Migrant workers are not without power as New Zealand has extensive legislation dictating minimum standards for all workers and the way migrants can ensure they enjoy these conditions is to join a union.

Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway is encouraging just this. I met the Minister in Timaru last month to discuss visa challenges facing regional employers. Minister Iain Lees-Galloway was keenly interested and his recent statement that South Canterbury “won’t be left behind” is encouraging along with his acknowledgment that exclusive Wellington based thinking is not serving regional New Zealand.

I look forward to visa developments addressing the regional skills shortages.

Mary Noonan


Time is running out to take advantage of the South Island Contribution Work Visa. This special visa is for South Island migrant workers that can lead to residence after two years. Applications must be lodged by the 22 May 2018.

You will need to be of good health and character, have ongoing employment and, your partner and children are also generally eligible for visas. You must have held an Essential Skills Work Visa/s (one that required a labour market check) between May 2012 and May 2017.

Plenty of document is required and slight variations to the criteria are allowed for in specific circumstances.

Nils Macfarlane


International travel always involves documentation and I welcome the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s announcement to abolish departure cards for travellers leaving New Zealand.

The plan is to use statistical modelling to obtain data capturing the purpose of travel and if the departure is permanent.

This is another improvement to increase the ease of global travel, however this does not diminish the need to hold the correct visa or have access to visa waiver privileges. Visa waiver is a term used for nationals who can enter another country without obtaining a visa before travel. These visas are generally granted upon arrival to visitors on short stays.

Ensure your know what visas you required before travelling.

Jeremy Clapp

Heartland Immigration is a foundation member of the The Immigration Industry Association (IIA), the non-profit association which links immigration, expat, relocation and global mobility industry members. IIA is also a forum for the immigration community to come together to network, share ideas, information, research and experiences.

I was pleased to attend the first New Zealand based forum hosted by the BNZ in Auckland on the 21st of February to meet with other industry representatives and hear that our industry, the association and the New Zealand economy in good health. Speakers included INZ Steve McGill General Manager – Settlement, Protection and Attraction, BNZ’s Chief Economist Tony Alexander, Expatland founder John Marcarian and Geraldine Collett IIA General Manager.

Two months into the new year and the Heartland Immigration Team barely have had the time to lift our heads and that is just the way we like it. Providing advice to employers and visa applicants, particularly for labour related applications as that grows New Zealand. Assisting employers to fill vacancies and providing new comers with an opportunity to work in New Zealand and experience the kiwi way of life. A win win.

To those who will be celebrating Easter or Passover may the season bring you and yours joy.

Mary Noonan


Additions to the ISSL

Effective 19 February 2018 INZ has added twelve new occupations including seven new trades with roles as diverse as Accountants, Carpenters and Joiners and Midwives to the Immediate Skill Shortage List (ISSL).

For applications submitted under the ISSL, the employer can avoid the labour market test process. I have found this reduces a number of the hassles saving cost and time for the applicant and employer. An applicant must meet strict criteria to be eligible to apply for a work visa based upon the ISSL so it isn’t all smooth sailing.

Jeremy Clapp


My family and I are grateful for all the participants and supporters that made the ALL IN 24hr Basketball Tournament held in Timaru on the 24th and 25th of February such a success. On behalf of the Macfarlane Family thank you.

With all this help we raised funds and awareness for the South Canterbury Cancer Society & Relay for Life along with Hospice South Canterbury and I found it personally enriching giving back to my community. Not sure if I can look at another sausage for quite some time.

Nils Macfarlane