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19 New Zealand working holiday schemes on hold

Every year, hundreds of young people flock to our shores – and us to theirs,  on working holiday schemes. Immigration New Zealand has announced 19 of these schemes are being put on hold during this global crisis.

Working Holiday visas are agreed at a government to government level allowing thousands of 18 to 30 year-olds, or in the case of our Canadian cousins, up to 35 years-old, leave or arrive into New Zealand on these visas.  

While the agreement between each country differs in its detail, what they have in common is they allow young people the opportunity to visit and work in a different country.  Many participants work in their professions, however, often they travel around picking up casual work in agriculture, hospitality and retail industries. Here in New Zealand, these workers are a welcome addition for seasonal peaks for many employers.  This year however these peaks will need to be serviced from within the local communities.

A number of schemes are uncapped and they remain unaffected however, a proportion have quotas with managed opening, then closing,  once the predetermined number has been achieved.   

The INZ announcement sees 19 of these schemes being put on hold and not opening for a new intake.  

Travel to these countries on the Working Holiday scheme is now on hold: 

  1. Argentina
  2. Austria
  3. Brazil
  4. China
  5. Croatia
  6. Estonia
  7. Hong Kong
  8. Hungary
  9. Luxembourg
  10. Malta
  11. Peru
  12. Slovak Republic
  13. Slovenia
  14. Spain
  15. South Korea
  16. Taiwan
  17. Thailand
  18. Turkey 
  19. Vietnam.

Regrettably, travel for pleasure is a long way off and this is a sensible measure.

Disclaimer: Mary Noonan is Heartland Immigration Ltd Managing Director and her views, expressed in this article are not intended to replace the professional service provided to individual migrants by a Licensed Immigration Advisers.